Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Shrimp & Chocolate sounded good together...

As many of you know I sometimes like to take chances on unusual recipes.  Recipes that many times surprises and delights us with its quirky combinations to become the deliciously exotic dish in our house.
Since I had a fun run with the beer recipes I thought it would be nice to find savory chocolate dishes to make.
Well ladies and gentlemen I think I have crossed the line with this Shrimp with Chocolate sauce.

I mean yeah it sounds bad but we like to eat shrimp and love chocolate so why not give it a shot.  I even got the recipe out of a new chocolate lovers cookbook.
 Ew Ew Ew ... what's even worse is that the chocolate had crushed garlic mixed in for good measure making the chocolate itself taste weird.  The only nice thing I can say about this dish is at least the shrimp was on sale.

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